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80% of the global rice supply is grown on farms that are less than 2 hectares in size. 

In addition to the 144 million rice farmers, rice value chains across Asia and Africa provide employment for hundreds of millions of families, especially in rural areas. Challenges such as poor harvests, high production costs, market inequities, and limited infrastructure constrain farmers and keep them vulnerable to poverty, hunger, and financial insecurity. 

We’re working with stakeholders from farmers to governments to improve the economic potential of rice. 

Our initiatives include improved varieties with higher yields per hectare, greater resilience to disease, and better grain quality that fetch a higher market price; crop production practices and technologies that enhance productivity and efficiency; and advocacy for policies and programs that encourage equity, entrepreneurship, and access to markets and financial services.

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Heirloom Rice

Increasing Productivity of Rice-based Cropping Systems and Farmers’ Income in Odisha



Mechanization and Postharvest