Il-Ryong Choi
Country Representative for Korea and Coordinator - Temperate Rice Research Consortium
Dr. Choi is a plant virologist specializing in management of virus diseases and the gene functions in relation to virus-plant interactions. Since 2001 he has been working at IRRI on various aspects of rice tungro, grassy stunt, ragged stunt and stripe viruses, which are prevalent in tropical and temperate Asia regions. His current research interest includes molecular genetics of virus resistance in rice, genetic and biological diversity of rice viruses, and virus-insect vector interactions.
Before joining IRRI, he conducted research on molecular genetics of viruses infecting plants such as sugar beet, tomato and wheat at universities, and private and government organizations in the USA and Canada.
- 2018-present: Designated Professor, Nagoya University, Asia Satellite Campuses Institute
- 2001-2018: Scientist/Senior Scientist I, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
- 2003-2018: Adjunct Associate Professor/Adjunct Professor, University of Philippines Los Baños
- 2001: Postdoctoral Fellow, York University, Ontario, Canada
- 2000: Postdoctoral Research Plant Pathologist, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, NE, USA
- 1997-2000: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA
- 1995-1997: Postdoctoral Fellow, The Samuel Robert Noble Foundation, OK, USA
- 1994-1995: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Northern Illinois University, IL, USA
- 1993: PhD, Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, USA
- 1989: MS, Plant Pathology, Seoul National University, Korea
- 1987: BS, Agricultural Biology, Seoul National University, Korea