Nguyen Van Hung
Senior Scientist I and Lead - Mechanization and Post-harvest
V Hung Nguyen currently works at the Postharvest and Mechanization Cluster, Sustainable Impact Platform, International Rice Research Institute. V Hung does research in Mechanization, Postharvest and By-product Management.
Present affiliation
- Senior Scientist on agricultural engineering, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
- Lead - Mechanization and Postharvest, IRRI
- Adjunct Professor of the University of the Philippines in Los Banos (UPLB)
- Adjunct professor of University of Hue, Vietnam
- Associate Professor of Nong lam University, Vietnam
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture (1999-2003).
- Engineer of Agricultural Mechanization (Honor), Nong Lam University, Formerly is the University of Agriculture and Forestry of Ho Chi Minh City (1990-1995)
Professional positions held
- Senior Scientist and lead - Mechanization and Postharvest, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (2022- onwards).
- Scientist on mechanization and postharvest management, International Rice Research Institute (2017-2022)
- Postdoctoral fellow on mechanization and postharvest management, International Rice Research Institute (2013-2017)
- Associate Professor in Agricultural Machinery, Nong-Lam University - Vietnam (2012- present)
- Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Nong Lam University (2010 – 2012)
- Head of Department of Mechatronics, Nong-Lam University (2005-2013)
- Member of the committee of the Industry and Atomization program of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2011- 2015)
Project Leader or coordinator
- USDA-Fertilize Right Vietnam (2023-2027)
- Taiwan ICDF – Capacity building on sustainable and low carbon rice production in Southeast Asia (2024-2028).
- MKCF - Rice straw circular economy in Cambodia and Vietnam (2023-2026)
- GIZ- SRP promotions in Vietnam (2021-2024)
- GIZ- rice straw innovations in Vietnam (2020-2023)
- World Bank E-Extension LAO (2022-2023),
- BMZ- Sustainable rice straw management in Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam (2016-2019)
- Focal point/ coordinator of several CGIAR – initiatives in Vietnam such as AMD-WP1 and EiA.
Honors and awards
- “Exceeded Expectation” of the IRRI appraisal system, from 2015 to 2023.
- Lead the team of Sustainable Rice Straw Management receiving the awards of “IRRI-Scientific Team Award 2018” and “Los Banos Research and Development Team Award 2019”.
- “Academic Excellence” awarded by the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnamese Government (2006-2010)
- “Academic Excellence” in 2007 awarded by Hochiminh City Authority, Vietnam Government (2009)
- Vietnam Techmart Gold cup (2009)
- Vietnam Labor Creation (2008)
- Vietnam Technology Creation (2007)
- Vietnam Techmart Gold Cup (2007)
Innovation developments
- Mechanized wet-direct seeding for rice production
- Mechanized rice straw composting technology in Vietnam
- Downdraft rice husk furnace for paddy drying
- Small scale batch- anaerobic digestion for rice straw
- Life-cycle assessment for rice production and postharvest management
- Easy-Farm: matchmaking between farmers and service providers
Papers in the peer-reviewed journals:
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Balingbing, C., Joseph, S. Khandai, S., Chea, H., Songmethakrit, T., Meas, P., Hitzler, G., Zwick, W., Viriyangkura, L., Bautista, E., Gummert, M., 2022. Precision land leveling for sustainable rice production: Case studies in Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and India. Precision Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-022-09900-8.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Stuart, A., Nguyen-Thi-My-Phung, Pham-Thi-Minh-Hieu, Nguyen-Ngoc-Phuong-Thanh, Pame, A., Sander, B.O., Gummert, M., Singleton, G.R., 2022. An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-04362-w.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Fuertes, L.A., Balingbing, C., Roxas, A., Tala, M., Gummert, M., 2020. Development and Performance Investigation of an Inflatable Solar Drying Technology for Oyster Mushroom. Energies 2020, 13, 4122; https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/13/16/4122.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Sander B.O., Quilty J., Balingbing C., Castalone A.G., Romasanta R., Alberto M.C., Sandro J.M., Jamieson C., Gummert M., 2019. An assessment of irrigated rice production energy efficiency and environmental footprint with in-field and off-field rice straw management practices. Scientific Reports (2019) 9:16887. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-53072-x.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Quilloy, R., Gummert, M., 2018. Improving energy efficiency and developing an air-cooled grate for the downdraft rice husk furnace. Renewable Energy, 115:969-977. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2017.09.012
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Nguyen-Duc-Canh, Tran-Van-Tuan, Hau-Duc-Hoa, Nguyen-Thanh-Nghi, Gummert M., 2016. Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Cost of Rice Straw Collection in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam. Field crops research, 198:16-22. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2016.08.024
- Nguyen-Van-Hung., Topno, S., Balingbing, C., Nguyen V.C.N, Roder M., Quilty, J., Jamieson C., Thornley P., Gummert M., 2016. Generating a positive energy balance from using rice straw for anaerobic digestion. Energy Reports, 2016(2):117-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2016.05.005
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Tran-Van-Tuan, Pyseth Meas, Caesar Joventino M. Tado, Gummert, M., 2018. Best practices for paddy drying: case studies in Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, and Myanmar. Plant Production Science Journal, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1343943X.2018.1543547.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Martinez, R., Tran-Van-Tuan, Gummert, M., 2018. Development and verification of a simulation model for paddy drying with different flatbed dryers. Plant Production Science Journal, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1343943X.2018.1518723
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Duong-Thi-Hong, Gummert M., 2016. Building a model for the paddy columnar dryer and analyzing a reverse-airflow approach to achieve uniform grain temperature. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2016, 25(1): 64-73.
- Gummert, M., Nguyen‐Van‐Hung, Cabardo, C., Quilloy, R., Aung, Y.L., Thant, A.M., Kyaw, M.A., Labios, R., Htwe, N.M., Singleton, G.R., 2020. Assessment of post‐harvest losses and carbon footprint in intensive lowland rice production in Myanmar. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76639-5.
- Pame, A.R.P., Vithoonjit, D., Meesang, N., Balingbing, C., Gummert, M., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Singleton, G.R., Stuart, A.M., 2023. Improving the Sustainability of Rice Cultivation in Central Thailand with Biofertilizers and Laser Land Leveling. Agronomy. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13020587.
- Organo, N.D., Granad, M., Pineda, G.; Sandro, J., Nguyen-Van-Hung; and Gummert, M., 2022. Assessing the potential of a Trichoderma-based compost activator to hasten the decomposition of incorporated rice straw. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-03828-1.
- Wassmann, R., Van-Hung, N., Yen, B.T., Gummert, M., Nelson, K., Gheewala, S., Sander, B.O., 2022. Carbon footprint calculator customized for rice products: concept and characterization of rice value chains in southeast asia. Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010315.
- Flor, Rica J., Le A. Tuan, Nguyen V. Hung, Nguyen T. My Phung, Melanie Connor, Alexander M. Stuart, Bjoern O. Sander, Helena Wehmeyer, Binh T. Cao, Hardwick Tchale, and Grant R. Singleton 2021. "Unpacking the Processes That Catalyzed the Adoption of Best Management Practices for Lowland Irrigated Rice in the Mekong Delta" Agronomy 11, no. 9: 1707. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11091707
- Upcraft, T., Wei-Chien, T, Johnson, R. Finnigan, T., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Hallett, J., Guo, M., 2021. Protein from renewable resources: mycoprotein production from agricultural residues. Green Chemistry. DOI: 10.1039/d1gc01021b
- McDonald, A.J., Balwinder-Singh, Jat, M.L., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Craufurd, P., Hellin, J., Keil, A., Kishore, A., Kumar, V., McCarty, A.J., Pearson, P., Samaddar, A., Shyamsundar, P., Shirsath, P.B., Sidhu, H.S., 2020. Indian agriculture, air pollution, and public health in the age of COVID. World Development 135 (2020) 105064. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105064
- Migo-Sumagang M., Maguyon-Detras, M.C., Gummert, M., Alfafara, C., Borines, M., Capunitan, J., Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2020. Rice-straw-based heat generation system compared to open-field burning and soil incorporation of rice straw: an assessment of energy, GHG emissions, and economic impacts. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5327; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135327.
- Connor, M., de Guia, A., Quilloy, R., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., Sander, B.O., 2020. When climate change is not psychologically distant – Factors influencing the acceptance of sustainable farming practices in the Mekong river Delta of Vietnam. World Development Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2020.100204.
- Romasanta, R.R., Sander, B.O., Gaihre, Y.K., Alberto, M.C., Gummert, M., Quilty,J., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Castalone, A.G., Balingbing, C., Sandro, J., Correa,T., Wassmann, R., 2017. How does rice straw burning compare with other straw management practices in terms of on-field CH4 and N2O emissions? A comparative field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 239: 143–153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2016.12.042
- Migo-Sumagang, M.V.P., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Detras, M.C.M, Alfafara, C.G., Borines, M.G., Capunitan, J.A., Gummert, M., 2019. Optimization of a downdraft furnace for rice straw-based heat generation. Renewable Energy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.11.001
- Nguyen-Van-Hieu, Nguyen-Thanh-Nghi, Le-Quang-Vinh, Le-Minh-Anh, Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., 2018. Developing densified products to reduce transportation costs and improve the quality of rice straw feedstocks for cattle feeding. J. Viet. Environ. 10(1). https://oa.slub-dresden.de/ejournals/jve/article/view/2919.
- Ngo-Thi-Thanh-Truc, Ho-Van-Khanh, Tran-Si-Nam, Duong-Van-Chin, Nguyen-Van-Cong, Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2018. Quantification of direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from rice field cultivation with different rice straw management practices – A study in the Autumn-Winter season in An Giang Province, Vietnam. J. Viet. Environ. 10(1). https://oa.slub-dresden.de/ejournals/jve/article/view/2925.
- Balingbing, B., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Roxas, A.P., Aquino, D., Barbacias, M.G., Gummert, M., 2020. An assessment on technical and economic feasibility of mechanized rice straw collection in the Philippines. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/17/7150
- Yahaya R., Teklewold A., Allah M.Z., Adewopo J., Gummert M., Nguyen-V-Hung., 2019. ICT – connecting the food system in Rural 21. https://www.rural21.com/english/search/detail/article/ict-connecting-the-food-system.html
Book chapters (peer – reviewed journals/ publishers)
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Nguyen Thi Ha-An, Grant Robert Singleton, and Melanie Connor, 2023. Carbon Footprint Reduction from Closing Rice Yield Gaps. In Connor et al. (eds.), Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37947-5_5.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Martin Gummert, Rica Joy Flor, Akhara Ouk, Makarakpakphea Keo, Buyung Hadi, Kim Eang Tho, Rathmuny Then, Saban Choun, Pham Thi Minh Hieu, Cornelia Sattler, Melanie Connor, Sudarmaji, Nyo Me Htwe, Joseph M. Sandro, Carlito Balingbing, and Grant Robert Singleton, 2023. Innovations, Technologies, and Management Practices for Sustainable Rice Production, in Connor et al. (eds.), Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37947-5_4
- Rica Joy Flor, Reianne Quilloy, Harro Maat, Nguyen-Van-Hung, Myo Aung Kyaw, and Martin Gummert, 2023. Partnerships and Approaches Used for Scaling: An Assessment of the Process for Rice Postharvest Technologies. in Connor et al. (eds.), Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37947-5_6
- Broeze, J., Axmann, H., Castelein, B., Guo, X., Sander, B., Nelson, K., Wassmann, R., & Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2023.Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing food loss and waste - value chain interventions from farmer to fork. In Transforming food systems under climate change through innovation. Eds. Campbell, B. et al. Cambridge University Press, https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009227216
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Nguyen-Van-Hieu, Nguyen-Thanh-Nghi, Sander, B., 2021. Mechanized composting to convert crop residues into organic fertilizer. In: Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems. Les dossiers d’ agropolis international. No. 26-2021. pp 38. https://www.agropolis.org/pdf/publications/agroecology-thematic-file-agropolis-international.pdf.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung., Balingbing, C., Quilty J., Sander B., Demont M., Gummert M., 2017. Processing rice straw and rice husk as co-products. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of rice. Volume 2: Cultivation, pest, and disease management. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. Series No. AS04, pp. 121-148.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Migo, M.V., Quilloy, R., Chivenge, P., Gummert, M., 2019. Life Cycle Assessment Applied in Rice Production and Residue Management. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Maguyon-Detras, M.C., Migo, M.V., Quilloy, R., Balingbing, C., Chivenge, P., Gummert, M., 2019. Rice Straw Overview: Availability, Properties, and Management Practices. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management book, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung, Migo, M.V., Quilloy, R., Chivenge, P., Gummert, M., 2020. Life Cycle Assessment Applied in Rice Production and Residue Management. In Gummert M., Hung N.V., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2020. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Nguyen-Van-Hung. 2008. Numerical Methods and Matlab Application. Agricultural Pub. Vietnam, 63-630/NN-08 – 203/21-08. 150 pages (in Vietnamese).
- Gummert M., Hung N.V., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Gummert, M., Quilty, J., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Vial, L., 2018. Engineering and Management of Rice Harvesting. In Advances in Science & Engineering of Rice, Edited by: Zhongli Pan and Ragab Khir, 978-1-60595-191-1, June 2018, 690 pages, 6×9, HC book, Destech Publication.
- Balingbing, C., Nguyen-Thanh-Nghi, Nguyen-Van-Hieu, Roxas, A., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., 2019. Mechanized Collection and Densification of Rice Straw. Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Nguyen-Thanh-Nghi, Romasanta, R.R., Nguyen-Van-Hieu, Le-Quang-Vinh, Nguyen-Xuan-Du, Nguyen-Vo-Chau-Ngan, Chivenge, P., Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2019. Rice Straw-Based Composting. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Maguyon-Detras, M.C., Migo, M.V., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Gummert, M., 2019. Thermochemical Conversion of Rice Straw. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Nguyen-Vo-Chau-Ngan, Chan, F., Nam, T.S., Thao, H.V., Maguyon-Detras, M.C., Hung, D.V., Cuong, D.M., Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2019. Co-digestion of Rice Straw for Biogas Production. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Le-Vinh-Thuc, Corales, R.G., Sajor, J.T., Ngo-Thi-Thanh-Truc, Phan-Hieu-Hien, Ramos, R.E., Bautista, E., Tado, C.J.M., Ompad, V., Dang-Thanh-Son, Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2019. Rice-Straw Mushroom Production. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Aquino, D., Barrio, A.D., Trach, N.X., Hai, N.T., Khang, D.N., Toan, N.T., Nguyen-Van-Hung, 2019. Rice straw-based fodder for ruminants. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Chivenge, P., Rubianes, F., Chin, D.V., Thach, T.V., Khan, V.T., Romasanta, R.R., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Trinh, M.V., 2019. Rice Straw Incorporation Influences Nutrient Cycling and Soil Organic Matter. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Allen, J., Romasanta, R.R., Pascual, K.S., Trinh, M.V., Thach, T.V., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Sander, B.O., Chivenge, P., 2019. Rice straw management effects on greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.
- Demont, M., Truc, N.T.T., Nguyen-Van-Hung, Giang, D.P., Hinh, N.T., Ninh, H.T., Custodio, C., Quilloy, R., Gummert, M., 2019. Rice straw value chain and a case study for rice straw mushroom value chain in Vietnam. In Gummert M., Hung N., Pauline C., Douwaith B. (editors), 2019. Sustainable rice straw management, Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-030-32373-8.pdf.