Gururaj Guddappa Kulkarni
Guru is the first Director of the new initiative and unique business model called IRRI BIO-INNOVATION CENTER (IBC). He is also an IRRI Senior Scientist and the Global Head of Research Infrastructure and Regulatory Compliance. More recently he was given the additional role of Integrative Research Support Platform Representative for the South Asia region. He also IRRI’s representative nominee in the CG-Policy Platform working group that oversees the International policies and regulations with FAO, IPPC, ISTA, ISF etc.
As the Director of IBC, he works globally with research institutes, donor agencies, and public-private institutes for research collaborative projects and opportunities. He also works with global and regional bodies like CropLife, APAARI, and other platforms. He also oversees Transgenic Stewardship, the LT Evans Plant Growth Facility Center, Seed Health Unit (global matters), Operational Efficiency, Research Infrastructures, and Health & Safety at IRRI. As a representative of the IRS Platform for the South Asia region, he works with the research projects of the region on the research support areas. He is representing IRRI at the global forum of the CG-Policy platform on the International matters or aspects.
- Research function management and new research collaborative opportunities
- Working with cross functions to lead the research projects and innovative product delivery
- Expert on Regulatory, Research Operations, Stewardship, IPR, PVP, Project Management, etc.
- Product Registration (Agro-Chemicals and Seed Varieties/Hybrids)
- Regulatory Affairs (Seeds, Agro-Chemicals, Biotechnology)
- Research Infrastructure Management (Consolidation of Research facilities, Enhancing the Efficiencies, Enhancing Glass House Management standards, etc.)
- Research Operations (Mechanization, Statutory laws, Data capturing, etc.)
- Transgenic Stewardship (developing and implementing global standards)
- OHSE aspects (enhancing the standards and adopting reporting systems)
- Mechanization to suit research field operations.
- Plant Variety Protection and IPR Management.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR) from Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi (2009)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana India (2001)
- Masters In Agricultural Entomology from University of Agricultural Sciences Dharward (1997)
- Bachelors in Agriculture from University of Agricultural Sciences Dharward (1995)
Work History
- Director of the IRRI Bio-Innovation Center since 2020.
- IRS Platform Representative for South Asia since 2020.
- IRRI representative in CG-Policy platform since 2019.
- Head of Research Infrastructure and Regulatory Compliance, IRRI Los Banos (2018- till now)
- Senior Scientist and Head of Operational Unit, Research infrastructure and Operations, IRRI, Los Banos, Laguna Philippines. (2016 to 2018)
- Head of Research & Development Infrastructure, South Asia covering all the crops at Syngenta India Limited, Pune, India. (2015-16)
- Lead - Research & Development Operations at Syngenta India (2012-15)
- Regional Plant Variety Protection/ Registration Expert, Asia Pacific Region at Syngenta. (2010-12)
- Unit Head of Product Registration & PVP, South Asia at Syngenta. (2006-10)
- Manager – Registration and Regulatory Affairs at Bayer CropScience, Delhi & Mumbai (2001-06)
- Senior Executive – Biological Development at Bayer India Limited at Hisar (1999-2001)
Awards and Recognition
- Top 10 Indian Leaders in the Philippines 2022, CEO Insights
- Outstanding Leadership Award, Food 2.0 International Conference, UAE.
- Best team award for research Support thru Seed Health Unit at IRRI in 2018.
- Best Researcher Award from Syngenta Research Function during 2015.
- Best Regulatory team member award from Bayer CropScience during 2005.
- Senior Research Fellow award from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in 2000.
- Merit Fellowship from University of Agricultural Science, Dharward in 1995.
Professional societies
- Life member, Entomological Society of India, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
- Represents in many industry platforms (ABLE –AG, NSAI, Crop Life India, etc.) as Regulatory, Plant Variety Protection, Agri-Biotechnology research expert
- Member, Pest Management Council of Philippines
Selected publications (recent)
1. Co-author of "Exemplary Stewardship and Quality Management in Biotechnology-driven Approaches for Cultivating Nutritious Grains", published in 2023
2. Co-author of "Phytosanitary interventions for safe global germplasm exchange and the prevention of transboundary pest spread: The role of CGIAR germplasm health units", published in 2021
3. Author, "IRRI Seed Health Unit Guidelines and Operational Manual" published in 2019
4. Author, Overview of Research Infrastructure and Operations function, published in 2016
5. Co-authored SOP manual on Health Safety Environment and Security (HSES) in 2015 for research farms and laboratories in Syngenta
6. Authored “R&D Operation Manual” in 2013 containing 23 processes and 17 annexure across R&D function in Syngenta
7. Co-authored “GM Green House Manual” containing the site work instructions in Syngenta
8. Authored “R&D Stations catalogue” in 2012 covering the details of the stations and activities in Syngenta
9. Co-authored two books on “Plant Variety Protection” in 2007 & 2009 published by DSR (NRCS), Hyderabad and ICAR New Delhi
Research Papers / Scientific papers: 30+
Newspaper/Magazine articles : 100 +
(The Hindu, Kisan world, Tribune, Spice India, local newspapers, etc.)